“Two moose camp was one of the most important weeks for not only myself, but also for my team. I learned how to lead from all positions on a team, and how to make people feel valued no matter their abilities. This week was the perfect reflection and intentional focus on not only how to better my own leadership abilities, but how to empower others on my team to lead as well."

-Maggie LaLonde, Calvin Track and Field

During the week, the time we had to spend in individual reflection as well as to discuss our thoughts in small and large groups was extremely meaningful. While on the trip, I formed many relationships with other athletes from my sport and other sports, and I was given valuable tools for leadership. Although I was able to use these tools in the athletic realm, they have also carried into my other professional and social settings. have been presented with more and more opportunities for leadership since my graduation from Calvin, and I am so thankful for the experiences I had at Two Moose that helped me to realize my potential for leadership and to apply it in the best possible way!"

~ Nicole Michmerhuizen

"Two Moose Camp was one of the best, if not the best experiences of my life. I grew more in my relationship with God in one week than I have in the past couple years combined. I loved getting to know all the people that were there and I learned so much about leadership and how to incorporate it next year. I would give anything to go back again."

~ Kelsey Broekema, SAU

“Two Moose Camp was more than a 'mountain-top experience' for me. Being surrounded by amazing individuals with similar aspirations (all of which I now consider life-long friends) I felt comfortable with being challenged as a leader and as a follower of Christ for the entire trip. I took away some amazing lessons and wisdom from the coaches, and this trip served as a wakeup call for how I am living my daily life, and what habits I need to adjust in order to achieve my potential as a leader. Since the trip, I've adjusted some habits and have made tough decisions that have ultimately opened up more doors for me to lead and deepen my relationship with Christ."

~ Jake Sterling